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  1. Good morning everyone, I have a s-type 2.7 diesel (2005) and for some time I have problems at low speeds (slow car that seems flooded, jerky and noisy motor, not revs steadily and the hand often fluctuates above between 1800 and 2000 rpm in second and third gear) and strong acceleration (when I press the accelerator all the way goes into recovery); I did recently plugged EGR valves but have not solved ...the diagnosis resulted in errors of air mass meter and the turbo supercharger pressure (P0299 Code).some of you have had similar problems? how did you solve?
  2. I too have a problem with the navigation system ... having recently purchased the used car that was devoid of the DVD , because the original had an excessive cost I purchased a DVD burned but when I tried to put it on the screen I appeared the words " the inserted disc is not dVD of maps " . jaguar in the workshop told me that the system only reads original DVD ...you know if it is really so ? personally it seems strange ... that it may be possible to clean the lens ?
  3. thanks again to all of you for your contributions to my question ! Also yesterday the car had no problem , for the second day in a row everything worked perfectly , something that makes me believe that the problems we had earlier were really due to the bulbs of the sidelights replaced that sent me into a tailspin all the electronic system ... also because the battery is practically new ( changed last September ) and I have never given any warning start , always having your car regularly put in motion at the first attempt and without difficulty despite the cold . problems occurred exclusively during the march . Happy New Year to all !!!
  4. first of all thanks for the answer; yesterday, after the car for a couple of days made me mad, driven by doubts that it could be the fact that you have replaced the bulbs lights, I went to buy two LEDs (the ones that I mounted above) and since I fitted the problem no longer presented , at least to date. all those battery problems (I had to reset car radio code several times after turning off and on again the car without ever removing the battery!) were created from this???
  5. For a couple of days my jaguar s-type 2.7diesel (2005 ) makes the tantrums level electrical ... yellow lights that turn on failures while driving ( with various messages : parkbrake fault , gearbox fault , restricted performance etc . ) simultaneously to the touchscreen that turns off intermittently , as if there was a decline of tensione.si is a problem drinker and not constant , moreover that is resolved by switching off and restarting the car ... waiting to take her to a workshop for diagnosis ( phone they told me that is probably due to a contact) I would like to know if any of you have had similar problems , which also occurred after that I decided to replace the bulbs for the side lights to lED ( extremely delicate as well as expensive ) with common bulbs . Thanks to those who respond !!!
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