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johnw777 last won the day on December 7 2020

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  1. There's a vent either side of the boot, these releases pressure inside the car when closing doors etc. The seals around them fail, you can either use sealent on them or replacements are only about £8 each. Remove the boot liners to gain access, although they are fitted from the outside (bumper off) you can fit them from inside!
  2. Iv'e just bought one of those hubs for £89, much easier than trying to change the bearing as you need special tools.
  3. They are not handed!
  4. Interesting addition to the thread posted today (Sat).
  5. Peter, I think it's more than one bad experience, if you have read the tread!
  6. I did try removing them & soaking in hot water & stretching them out thinking they would stay there, but no different. Tried tie-wraps but not strong enough, so 2 screws in each, not moved since!
  7. The transponder needs programming using special equipment!!
  8. Short self tapping screws!
  9. Not everybody would agree with you on this... http://www.jaguarforum.com/showthread.php?t=34766
  10. When you say there is no disk in the player, the disk is in the sat nav dvd player in the boot, remove the disk & clean, see if it now works!!
  11. There's a guide here with pictures...... http://www.jaguarforum.com/showthread.php?t=68955
  12. The aerial connector is "Fakra"
  13. Nice work with the calipers! The noise you asked about, what engine have you got, also can you clarify which side?
  14. There is a hot soak issue that an ECU software update is meant to cure, but you would need to go to a dealer or specialist with the right equipment to update the software. A specialist quoted me £75 to update.
  15. Other thing to check, is the control module in the spare wheel area, as this has been known to have condensation.
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