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  1. Hi Guys are you ready for the latest installed of the very poorly X-Type. If you remember this whole saga started back 21st Jan with the glow plug warning light flashing. I had the turbo and actuator charged along with the EGR and Air Mass filter all of which didn't solve me running issues. I then had the car moved to a Jaguar Specialist who said that it was a faulty Air Mass filter which they changed still not change. Then they moved to the actuator which they changed again no change finally we moved on the changing the Turbo again. I thought this would be a good point to change the fuel filter as well. After turbo number 2 I was given the long awaited call telling me the car was running great. Skipped all the way to pick it up. Got it home waited for the husband to get so that I could take him out for a quick burn up the motorway to prove that the £1200 just spent was worth every penny, turned the key and to my dismay there it was flashing at me that pesky GLOW PLUG light back to haunt me. Back to the garage we go (not so Skippy this time). Just had a call, I need to change all the injectors........ hoping to have the car back real soon....... Here hoping all is well this time. I will say at the point that Powerbell the garage that has been doing the work has been great they could have charged me a lot more then they have but have kept the labour charges to a minimum if you are in the Taplow area well worth using.
  2. Thanks for the help chaps I am going to investigate my options I will let you know how I get on.
  3. Hi Guys This is just another really quick update of the sorry state of my XType . Now I have dropped it of to a Jag specialist in the hope they will have the answers. at the moment in the process of changing the parts that have just been replaced with genuine Jaguar in hope that this will help. Fingers Crossed............... Quick question for you all I need a new spare key as my car only has one has anyone got any advise on the best way of going about this as purchasing the key fob, blade and having it programmed at Jag very expensive. I know that I can get the key fobs and blades from places like EBay but I understand that this can be a mind field. Any ideas out there Thanks
  4. Just thought I would post a quick update on the latest news about my very poorly X Type. The news is it is still off the road and not running. As mentioned before the EGR valve and the turbo actuated has both been changed and the car still refuses to run. Good news is all this walking to and from work is certainly getting me fit...
  5. Hi Jim I am funny about my cars and keeping them well so following your last post I have asked my mechanic to change the filter and I will ask him to source from the main dealer and as for the battery already done. The things that I get done you would think any car would be happy to be owned by me.... LOL Lisa
  6. Hi Jim My car is coming up to 100,000 miles I have it services on a regular basis however I am unable to tell if the fuel filter as been changed. I have a superb Mercedes mechanic who works on my car although he changes most service items not sure if that has been done. My mechanic has put the car on a diagnostic code reader and since the Actuator change all error codes have seemed to have cleared. This not the first time that the fuel filter has been mentioned so even if it is not the problem it would worth having it changed anyway to be on the safe side and with any look it would solve my problem at the same time :). I have heard that it needs to be a certain type is that correct and if so do you know which one it should be? Thanks p.s. I can't let the X Type sceptics win after all.........
  7. Hi Peter Thank you for your support on the X type I have been saying that for ages. I suppose you are either an S Type person or an X Type with no compromise. I will look into using a treatment as you suggest. Thank you for your help
  8. Hi Everyone I am desperate for some help I have always liked Jags and love my X Type it took 4 years of persuasion before my husband would agree to buying the 2.0L X Type as he thinks its not a real Jag and he much prefers the S Type. For me the lines of the X Type are lovely and are reminiscent of the older Jags. Any how I digress, I really need some help trying to figure out what might my engine problems be. It start with the Glow Plug light flashing on my dash and the fault was diagnosed as the turbo actuator which we have now had changed. However when driving down the road the car start to become very lumpy after taking advise I had the EGR Valve changed but still the problem is there one minuet fine the next very sick indeed. As you can imagine the car is turning into a bit of a money pit right now can anyone out there help me.......
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