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  1. Hi Peter, you were spot on! Found about a two inch split in that pipe, looks very awkward to get to so I'll get the part from ebay and get the local garage to fit it. Thanks again! Martin
  2. Thanks Peter, I think I can hear a leak, I'm going to have a good look on Sunday when I'm off. I'll let you know how I get on, best regards, Martin
  3. Hi, I've got a 2006 2.0d X type and it seems to be really slow getting off the mark, this has happened all of a sudden. There is no black smoke and the engine management light has not come on, anybody have any ideas please? Thanks, Mart
  4. Thanks Peter, don't know why I didn't think of that! Is there any particular art of getting the sensors out? Mart
  5. Hi, I finally got round to looking at these yesterday, I took the module out and it was corroded around the connections, I cleaned these up but still no joy. I got my multimeter to it and I have power going into the module when in reverse, but no clicking at the sensors. Does this sound like I need a new module? Thanks, Mart
  6. Hi all, would anybody know where the best place to get the X type window waste seals would be? Cheers, Mart
  7. Thanks for the help chaps, still not got around to checking them yet, will update when I have, thanks. Mart
  8. I shall have a good root around and see what I find. I shall keep you posted!
  9. Or is there a way I can check it with a multimeter?
  10. Thanks Peter, I've checked the fuse and connections, all look good, looks like I'll have to try another module and see what happens!
  11. Hi Jim, thanks for the reply, I have checked the module in the boot and it's dry as a bone with no sign of water ingress, is there any way of checking it, or would one faulty sensor knock them all out, none appear to be clicking?
  12. Hi, I have a 2006 x type where the reversing sensors aren't working, there isn't any sound and I can't hear any of the sensors clicking when in reverse, can anybody help please?
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