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Wat last won the day on August 27 2018

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  1. Absolutely correct Leo I ain't interested in looks I am interested in getting home
  2. Like I have already said I am most reluctant to sell the x type which is front wheel drive only by the way.However at almost 86 years old I have no wish to spend another winter down my drive while manhandling a 25 kilo bag of road salt and a pick and shovel trying to clear ice and frozen snow. at almost 86 years old
  3. I have owned my lovely x type Jaguar now for almost three years and enjoyed every minute of it.Ihave also enjoyed my visits to this website and have learned something nearly ever time.However I was confined to the house on four occasions last winter because living off road my Jaguar could not cope with two feet snow drifts and black ice on the road.So reluctantly I have had to trade her in for a 4x4.I hope her new owner lives in a more civilised environment where she can resume her true purpose in life swooping along motorways sneering at krautmobiles and Volvo driving lawyers.
  4. The driver's window switch on my X Type gave up the ghost the other day.My friendly mechanic phoned around breakers here and in Cumbria but no joy so I have had to order something called a power pack.......all because of one faulty switch,Oh joy.I quite like the Jaguar and will probably keep it mainly because my beloved wife goes into full Hyacinth Bouquet mode at the thought of flogging the car
  5. Did my eyes deceive me or did the bridegroom drive out of Windsor Castle in an E Type Jaguar in which an electric power train had been installed??
  6. I have the opposite problem from you gents, my dear wife loves that I drive a Jaguar while I ain't all that keen
  7. Wat


    Serious here this morning, risky going out to the lofts to feed racing pigeons I have 10 pairs sitting tight on eggs pretty tough being hatched into this, however it I'd soft powdery snow and the Jaguar will negotiate it OK.
  8. Wat


    I have had regular episodes of snow since November ,I thought it was against the law for southerners to be bothered by snow
  9. I have become uncharacteristly enamoured by my X Type Jaguar and love driving it around the countryside here but as the 200 or so yards down my rough drive is now solid ice I am stuck until the thaw.So far I am not disloyal enough to think of a Defender.
  10. Good for you Peter,excellent response to a boorish individual. I am fortunate enough to have a Danish wife and have frequently driven in the countryside in Denmark which is so beautiful in the summer that I always compare it to driving through a garden.
  11. England thy beauties are tame and domestic To one who has roamed over mountains afar Oh! For the crags that are wild and majestic The steep frowning glories of Dark Lochnagar Lord Byron
  12. Excellent public spirited work, get this entry off the site before the "wrong" guy reads it and identifies you.
  13. I had to make a 20 mile trip this morning just as daylight broke.I found the number of deer on the road hazardous.I was forced to swerve and negotiate three times, a collision with a deer can make a serious mess of a prized X Type so I would respectfully caution you gentlemen if you come up here and drive on our rural roads watch out for Bambi.
  14. Hi, I have just concluded a deal for comprehensive insurance for my x type named drivers being my wife and I.My age is 85 next birthday and we live in a fairly rural part of south west Scotland.I tried several insurers on line and eventually went with Saga at a price of £719, does this seem reasonable to you guys
  15. Hi,Ipickedup my grandchildren at Edinburgh Airport at midnight last night and then drove the 60 miles home on the A701 which is a winding country road in complete darkness.I was not too impressed with the headlights on my X Type and I think I have read on here that I can obtain better bulbs to improve the lighting.
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