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  1. Hi to all, I am hoping someone can shed some light on a few glitches I have. When I am sitting in the house, the car has been outside for hours the alarm suddenly goes off, factory unit, also when driving down the road the interior light will suddenly light up, and the door sign on the dash illuminates, if I press the washer button the interior light also comes on. and ,last where do the hand brake cables seive up, really would like some help with this, oh yes, What kind of job is it to shance the rear hub bushes on an 02 2.0 petrol x type. MANY THANKS FROM hypnosisworks
  2. OOOOOOHHHHH this is a subject, I think it should be ZERO, Also the amount of muppets driving around smoking weed and the stink from the car, you cannot smell a drink driver sitting behind them, but I was behind a car the other day, shi7 I nearly got high, the smell of dope was a joke, any way back to subject. I was hit head on by a drink driver some time ago, 105 mg was the result, and the idiot drove off. Before I was hit, they hit a car 200 yards away then hit me, left me laying in the road, hurt but not too badly, I managed to write down the reg of the car or they would never have caught the PI55 head, apparently this driver was bang at it for two years and each weekend getting mashed and then dropping a friend off at home, well this night about 12.15 I was hit, She blacked out and swerved across the road and wham, my bike was a mess and I was in pain, the Police had her within half an hour, she was so drunk she could not stand up and knew nothing about the incident saying in a slurred voice, I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. So she goes to court, I put on a suit and sit in the back of the court room, no one knew who I was as she pleaded guilty, mmm I wonder why. any way she got a slap and a £500 quid fine, and a 2 year ban, poor lass was on anti depressants, it does say do not use alcohol with this medication, well excuse me, it should have been a life time ban, and that should be mandetory when 3 times let alone 3½ times the limit. a licence is a privalidge not a gift. I have also lost two brother in laws to drink drivers and to see what my family have endured and the pain they have gone through I say this, any one who kills someone whilst pi55ed or otherwise, should with consent be handcuffed to the corpse for the night, made to attend the funeral and then they might understand. O TOLLERANCE YES. Thanks for reading. shaun
  3. Hi I had this issue, only happened once and then as you said, turn off and on then ok, new problem I have is the blooming fan direction know it only blows on the screen, not sure what this is, the more electronincs the more head aches eh. shaun.
  4. Hi, I am new here, first heard about the owners club as a child, my sisters fella had an old mk11, loved the smell of it. Any way i wonder, has any one had a problem with the blower direction knob, about a month ago it stopped working and would only blow air on the screen, after a few days it went ok, but has now done it again, is this the knob or an other fault, whilst it better to work on the screen I would like some choise, and is it not a drag that the road tax on a 2.0 petrol is such a rip off, any advice commnts on the 2.2 turbo diesel would be appreciated. many thanks for your time. Shaun
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