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  1. Hello All 2012 XF Diesel . . . . a great car and I'm very fond of it . . . . .BUT: Electronics faults are becoming a real bugbear and I'm hoping for help finding how to get them sorted. Am in Warwickshire area. DAB stopped working The thing that turns the engine off at traffic lights doesn't work Sound / speakers dip out; it only takes a tweak of the volume control to get it back. Parking sensors and camera work intermittently . . . . Indicators: they work - but there is no accompanying sound. Anyone know of a specialist - or am I best going to main dealer? Thank you for reading, and I hope you can help. Graham Robson
  2. Blimey! What a helpful community - thank you! To confirm - it's the ivory trim, not the wood. I'll try that leather paint. Ordered some off Repair Wizard, who seem to have stopped trading.
  3. Hi all Proud owner of an X Type with ivory trim . . . that has some scratches on the centre console, i.e. the plastic bit, not the leather. Anyone got any idea of where I can get some touch-up paint? All I seem to be able to find is stuff to do the leather . . . Hope you can help! Graham
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