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Everything posted by Mr_metro

  1. That's really kind. I'd be happy to send you the advert, and copies of the text messages he sent prior to sale with the assurances of it being a mechanically sound car? Is there an email I can send it to? Thank you very much.
  2. He denied the WD40 on the pulley claim, instead stating he sprayed wd40 on the engine cover only, "to give it a nice sheen". I would suggest something of a coincidence that both he and the mechanic mention WD40. Equally he states he didn't fit the brakes so had no idea of their workmanship. His defence pretty much blames me for not getting the car checked over, and claims he made the comments because he thought the car was in good shape, not because he is mechanically trained. My argument will be that if he was not professionally trained to make those misleading statements, then he shouldn't have done. As you say, it comes down to luck on the day I guess. But we have a statement from our local garage with mention of the faults and wd40, all the text messages and a few other little bits.
  3. Thanks for the responses so far. The faults ended up being the Turbo and alternator pulley (which had been sprayed with wd40 to hide the noise it was making), and brake pads and discs fitted incorrectly which made them dangerous. We are going through small claims at the moment, and the seller has defended the case saying it was my responsibility to get it mechanically checked prior to sale (correct) and that there was nothing wrong with it (incorrect - engine management light came on when we drove the car away from the sellers house!!!). I have a letter from a local garage confirming the faults and existence of WD40, diagnostic reports, and text messages from the seller claiming it to have nothing mechanically wrong with it and be in fantastic condition (around 20 messages). I am aware that with used cars it is buyer beware, however according to citizens advice the sale of goods act covers used car sales from private if the car was misrepresented, which I'd suggest this was. The seller claims he said these things in good faith and he is not a mechanic. I know a barrister who has looked over it and said we have a reasonable case, but obviously it comes down to the court to decide and could go either way. Oh, and the seller himself bought the car for 6000 and sold it to me for 3700 4 months later.... I'm just trying to get any additional available evidence to negate the need to go to court. PS. In the 4 months he had it the seller did not need it serviced or MOT. I've called the garage he got it from and they said it was fine when they sold it to him. I have the full service history.
  4. I am looking to find a way of obtaining history for my Jag X Type. It was sold to me with some major faults (denied by the previous owner) and we are looking to prove he may have known about them previously. I've tried calling the local garages to where he lives, but after about 22 realised there were 80 odd to call! I assume diagnostic machines don't store the history of when lights come on? I'd be grateful for any advice.
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