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madpeck last won the day on September 5 2020

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  1. Not a problem😉 it was a piece of cake too.i managed to do all my interior and the Amber strips for £7 worth of wrap from eBay best buy ever😎
  2. HI mate. I wrapped mine in carbon wrap.not to everyone's taste but it was a quick and very cheap fix.chrome strips are next to go.
  3. It's a lot easier than I thought.its just a case of take your time and watch a few experts do it first on you tube😉
  4. All the interior is finally done😂👍😂 now time for you guys to voice your opinions. I'm extremely happy for under £10 worth of wrap
  5. Time permitting I should get around to doing the rest of the interior trim over the weekend. I'll take before and after pics. Gear knob will also be getting replaced
  6. Another small piece done.😉slow and steady wins the race🐆
  7. I think they are only a legal requirement in America (I think) i know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I fancied something different. It's a simple-ish change that can be done for pennies.lights next then all my interior trim.
  8. Finally got around to doing a small amount of carbon wrapping today. First attempt went well...I THINK. Much more still to do.
  9. Looks fantastic I want exactly what you've already done. Top job😉
  10. I bought mine at 37, after an oil spillage (untreated) on a road caused me to crash my 3 series😓 despite my s type having issues I still love the way it looks.just gonna use some subtle touches to keep me looking back at her😉
  11. Here's mine when I first had her and after I refurbished my wheels and changed the colour to graphite grey and my plate of course ( sorry about the poor quality new pics). There are a lot of really nice s types on here fair play👌👌
  12. Just bought some bits ready for wrapping😉 was hoping to do it on the weekend but the 4d high gloss carbon wrap won't be here till Monday. So far I'm around the £50 mark. (Tha Inc dark smoke light tints) let's see how much bang u can get for your buck😎 let's see "Mr tight fist" work his magic😉
  13. Thank you Andrew I'll order my self a set first thing👍
  14. Thank you Peter really appreciate the help🙂
  15. Hi one and all. I was wondering how to remove my bumper and window exterior chrome and also my wood interior trim. Is there any tools that will help in my quest to vinyl wrap it all. Once I start the wrapping process I'll do a "warts and all step by step guide". Any help would be fantastic. Regards Paul
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