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  1. Andy mine only occurs when I am driving in heavy rain. I found some water running down the bulkhead in the footwell but my concern is it is getting in from floor level although I can see no damage and everywhere is solid, no rust showing. I only bought the car a couple of weeks ago and I know it has been garaged from new and although 10 years old only has 28k on the clock. So I am wondering If some of the seals have dried out but which . Clutching at straws really.
  2. I am getting water in the drivers footwell of my S type after driving in heavy rain, any suggestions to how it may be getting in? Help or advice much appreciated
  3. Purchased a lovely 2006 S Type a couple of weeks ago and it really is a great car apart from problems I have found. First one is I have water ingress in the drivers footwell when it rains and the last owner fitted Cobra parking sensors to the front and they constantly detect things which are not there and driving in the rain sends them crazy. Anyone had similar problems or have any sugestions to fix, help much appreciated.
  4. Hi new member just introducing myself and my 2006 S Type in Frost Blue with just 29000 on her clock. This is my fourth Jag having owned two X Types and an XF.
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