One of the lower battery box, cover retaining tangs on my 2005 3.0 Sovereign is broken, and the engine lacks the plastic cover I've seen on other X Types, so, finding myself near a local scrapyard I set about liberating these items from a silver X type 2.5 that was down on its luck. I easily removed the parts, and also helped myself to a set of 5 wheel nuts which had been left under the bonnet. I also wanted one of those boot opening assisters but the boot on the scrapper was shut and there was no way of opening it. When I got home I found that there is nothing to secure the engine cover onto - al all three locations. Also, the battery box is a different size being about 1cm shorter - and that after disconnecting and removing mine. Very disappointing and a waste of time and hurumph....£5. Sometimes you just can't win.