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Danfox23 last won the day on May 28 2016

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  1. I've had this squeak from back of my car for a while. I take it to the garage every 2 weeks to get the 'dry joints' sprayed but it still comes back. They have said it's only dry joints and that nothing needs replacing. I have attached a video. If anyone has experienced this I'd love to hear from you. thanks IMG_0099.MOV
  2. Hi there, I've had a squeak coming from the back of my x type while driving and also when I push down on it. I've taken it to a garage where they have told me it's dry joints. They sprayed it with grease etc and told me to keep driving it and the grease will work it's way in. I've been back twice now and the noise is still there. It's embarrassing when I'm driving along. The mechanic looked underneath the car and says everything seems fine with everything else. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  3. I'm going to book mine in for a full service and hope that gets to the root of the problem. Sounds like a common fault with these. Let me know how you get on
  4. I have a 2003 2litre x type and when I'm driving 30mph upwards there is a horrible feint vibrating sound. I've had 2 new rear tyres, all wheel bearings done and new calipers but it's still doing it and getting really frustrating. Has anyone else had this or know what else it could be? thanks
  5. Frinton on sea
  6. Does anyone know how hard it is to fit a parrot Bluetooth into my x type and how much it would cost just for installation thanks
  7. New to this club and just wanted to say hi to everyone. I bought a 2003 x type a year ago and have got to say it's my dream come true! I said when I was a boy I would have a jag one day and I've never been happier with a car.
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