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Jag30 last won the day on June 6 2016

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  1. Hi Mad guess here (my 2011 shows these) look for settings for the split screen. I think you may have these turned off, this is the function that displays the up coming junctions... Best of luck. Rog
  2. I just use some leather polish/cleaning wipes I bought from Tesco's. Seats are dull until it dries (minutes) but come up factory fresh and so easy to slide in/out the car..
  3. Hi Pete Sorry not been on here for a while, I'll get the text off to you right now.. Rog
  4. Hi gang I had this for the first time as I started onoffice car park to leave for home today. Still there when I got home so after the rush hour I had a quick drive down the M1. Cleared after 10 mins at 70 (I know you only have to do over 30, it says in my hand book). Appears that you must have full working temp first before you try this reset. Anyway it worked. Town centre driving on visits this morning and afternoon, Jags need to be let loose now and again! Rog
  5. JLR are famous for storing fault codes, they need clearing at every service. I can only put it down to a computer (ecu) hiccup because of the number of codes? Would be interesting to see what comes back in a month or two.. Rog
  6. How did you get on? I had to replace two on a Discovery 3. Sods to remove the old parts (on a taper) but an easy job apart from that. Rog
  7. Hi Rock and a hard place or what? My Disco 3 had the 2.7 and I loved it. The 3.0 is even better and as the guys state, smoother, cheaper car tax and better mpg. I would go for the younger bird every time Enjoy and let us know how you get on? BTW Its the fuel pump belt on the rear of the V6 that needs changing @ 105K or 7 years. Can't say as I remember the cam belt but I know its a shorter period.. Rog
  8. Hi Pete I had your message and sent a reply. I need your email address to send your requested article to.. Rog
  9. Hi Mine's in the supplying dealers for a rattle in the door. New "window actulater" being fitted. They knew the problem as soon as I started to explain. Sounds like metal on glass..
  10. Hi from another newbie. I only joined this week. My XF is under dealer warranty for 2 yr but I'll keep you in mind in case I feel the need to up grade stuff like brakes etc which I like to do at replacement time. Cheers Rog
  11. Can you give me more of an idea of what you'd be looking for Pete. Rog
  12. Interesting, can't say as I've written many car reviews before. I've only ever covered the odd loan car...
  13. Jag30


    "Judi" my 20011 3lt V6..
  14. Hi Old Pete, Thanks for the response, if you're ever in need of club magazine editor I'm your man. I've been producing "Discourse" for the Discovery Owners Club for several years now.. Regards Rog
  15. Jag30


    Hi Peter No problem they are the Stratstone main dealers in Derby. Right by the A52 on the way into town...
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