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woodsy last won the day on February 10 2017

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  1. Hi all Does anyone know of a none Jaguar double din sat nav multi media system that will fit into my S Type D 2007 reg I think its time for an update Thanks everyone
  2. Is it not the same engine bored and stroked ?
  3. The A6 home after work lol
  4. Not to put a damper on this But putting vinyl over the wood where the airbag is could this not effect the operation of of the airbag ?
  5. My Wife and I went shopping the other day in my S Type parked up in the car park and away went Well on our return from the shops there was a Rover 75 almost the same colour parked next to mine and my Wife had the cheek to say mind you dont get in the wrong car love ha Well she very nearly walked home lol
  6. Hi all does anyone know if all S Type diesels have aux heaters as I have not had mine fire up yet ?
  7. Thanks Peter its the stepper motor on the EGR valve But which side
  8. Hi Does anyone know which side EGR Valve code P0405 is as I think the garage has changed the wrong one and has now told me the other side has gone now Thanks
  9. I have just had both mine replaced at a cost of £500 But be careful if you are still driving it around as you are not getting the revs you need to regenerate the DPF ( If it is in limp mode)
  10. Thank you Garry and Peter AGR valve it is the garage next to work is fitting one for £ 260 so not too bad
  11. Well after the trouble I have had with my S Type diesel running in restricted performance mode when I came out of hospital I went out and bought a new varta battery but still the same Then on my way to work the other day it just died and left me in the middle of the A6 luckily I am with the RAC so a quick phone call and 30 minutes later the nice man said you have a egr valve down so he blanked both valves off and it started but that still left it in restricted mode Now my dilemma is should I pay the £ 500 plus and have the valves replaced or now they are blanked off have the EGRs deleted from the ECU at less then half the cost Please any thoughts would be great thanks
  12. Well I have had My S Type diesel now for over 6 months and its been great until now On monday I left her on the drive she was running good had to go into hospital I was there for three days when I came home thursday I thought I would nip back to the hospital in the car with a thank you card and some chocs for the staff So I started her first turn of the key started no probs but then looked down at the clocks and I couldnt believe it Restricted Performance withe orange light I am like WHAT HOW WHY ITS NOT MOVED Surly this cant be anything that bad Please can anyone help and through some light on this THANK YOU
  13. Surly that would more of a blue smoke White smoke is usually steam from water getting into combustion chamber Poss Head gasket are you losing any water ?
  14. I have a 2007 S Type headlights very good no probs
  15. Hi Have you got the car back and is it running ok
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