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Jolly Skipper

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  1. Thank you anyway Peter This car has beena bit of a problem from 'day one' and continues to test my patience and my wallet. I'll just have to check every fuse again to see if I've missed something. Best Jolly
  2. Good afternoon Peter Thanks for the response. Yes, the battery is fine - the car starts and runs as you would expect - just no Messages or mileage displayed - the message centre is blank. Can you advise on what 'settings' I should be looking for? Jolly
  3. Continually baffled by this car. Started the car this morning and there is nothing displayed in the 'message centre' at all. The system icon lights in the instrment pack light up - just not the message centre so no mileage or consumption info. That is a blow as I am supposed to be taking it for it's MoT in the morning and if no mileage I don't have an MoT! Any suggestions would be appreciated - I have replaced Fuse 4 in the passenger footwell but that is fine.
  4. The problem was diagnosed as a loss/corruption of the configuration file in the main ECU of the car so the car didn't know what it was/had and so nothing worked! The local Jaguar specialist downloaded a copy of the original config file and the car started working again. Now I have time to spend on the car it is throwing more grief at me.
  5. Dead short to ground somewhere near the Deriver's side footwell fusebox. The dreaded 'smell' test gives it away. Now to strip the interior to find the damaged wire(s) and start splicing in new cable. I do love owning a Jaguar - itgives me so many opportunities to expand my skills base!
  6. The car came to a stop whilst being driven; no instrument lights or message centre. AA diagnosed a failed fuse; Fuse 4 on the drivers comparrtment fuse box. I now have a car with both front windows and sunroof open. Every time I replace the fuse as soon as the ignition is switched on the fuse blows. Even with all the big relays from the boot fuse panel removed the problem persists. I tried to fiond the "Transit Relay" allegedly adjacent to the battery but cannot find it. Any ideas welcomed!
  7. Hi Joe Once again you come to my aid like a Knight on his white charger! I will get the car back from the garage in the morning and will be able to see the "where" and the "why". I fear that you are right and the 'brute force' route is the only one left and it is either me or the scrapper so will try to get a picture and put it up. Until the 'morrow kind sir!
  8. Has anybody had to deal with a spark plug so corroded that the garage cannot get a Spark plug spanner onto it to remove it? It's a 1999 V8 S-type. Apparently there was water around the plug causing a misfire; the plug cannot be removed because they can't get the right socket onto it and if they have to beak the plug and get something like an "E-Z out" into it to try to get it out there may be all sorts opf collatoral damage. I am being told that to get the head off the engine has to come out and I'm into more money than the car is worth! I really need someone to come up with the solution to this one as I've spent over £1,500 on the car since May last year and am raching financial melt-down with it! Please help me Obe Wan Kenobi - you're my only hope!
  9. Many thanks for the help. I have since found out why there was no operating heater when I got the car; someone had been there before me but with less sympathy and a lot more force! I have had to hand the job over to the garage as they have the necessary kit! At least I'll have a working heater in time for the warmer weather.
  10. I need to drain down the cooling system on my 1999 V8 4.0 litre S-type. The workshop manual tells me to remove the coolant drin plug but I have no idea where it is. I've been underneath but am o further ahead. Can anybody give me some navigation hints as to where to look and how to get to it please?
  11. Hi Gary When I got my 1999 V8 S-type I had all sorts of varied noises from the rear parking sensor alarm system. The only way I could get to the sensors was by taking the rear light clusters out so that I could access the rear of the sensors. It appears my faukt was set up by a garage removing the rear bumper moulding without disconnecting the sensor wires but rather "pull it off" and the connectors borke as a result. If you try my route you may find you get a number of scrapes on the knuckles, wrists and fore-arms. I was able to carry out a temporary 'fix' but am dreading replacing the sensors at some time in the near future as it looks like the bumper asembly must come off (unless somebody knows different?)
  12. Some good news at last. With the correct 19mm socket (not the multi-tooth kind!) I used a soft-faced mallet to beat it onto the damaged nut. Using the new wheel-brace arm recommended by Russ and a lot of weight I have managed to remove the wheel nut without any further aggravation. I am unsure if the gas torch I applied on a previous day tto get the other socket off the nut helped and, if I'm honest, I don't care now it is off! Many thanks to all of you for advice, guidance and all those "Positive waves" that came my way! Once I've replaced the front discs and got the car moving again I will be tackling my heatre woes! What a full life it is to be a Jaguar owner!
  13. I too have ordered the "Professional" nut spanner as well as a set of "boggered nut removal tools" and some replacement nuts. Sadly the 'operation' must wait as I have been summoned back to work (at sea) but I will return encouraged by the fact that I am not alone and there has been a surfeit of advice as to how I can proceed. Rest assured I will let you know how I get on . . . . . . . . hopefully reporting success. My very best to all other 'sufferers' Jolly
  14. Thanks for the additional info Russ. I have sourced replacement nuts from the inevitable "on-line auction site" and was wondering how to get on with the steel covered one - now I know that more destructive brute force is required I will get on with it in the morning (weather permitting). I had also seen replacement nuts without the covers and thought I might go down that road later - all I want to do is get the wheel off so I can strip down the caliper and am also rerplacing both front discs at the same time as I have a bit of a 'judder' under normal braking. Once I have the car operational then I will be able to take it apart again to get at all the heater/air-con issues so at least I won't freeze to death in it! I'll let you know how I get on! Cheers again Jolly
  15. I hadn't thought of that. I'll give it a go as I like to start with the cheapest and simplest possible solution first just in case it works! Many thanks.
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